Innovx Achievements InnovX European Program – Matchmaking Phase

The second phase of the InnovX European Program, known as the Matchmaking Phase, took place this September. This phase provided companies with a critical opportunity to present their solutions to investors, corporate clients and foreign markets representatives, opening doors for potential collaborations, funding, and partnerships. Through a series of pitch sessions, participants showcased their innovations, exchanged ideas, and received constructive feedback from key decision-makers in the ecosystem.

**Participating companies included: **

CASIS - CArdiac Simulation & Imaging Software, CO2BioClean GmbH, Apollo Technologies Inc., Nifty Learning, Alias Robotics, Vessel X, Safeflows, Renter®, Aquaai Corporation, Cybervize, DRSSR , eFrontiers, Irisphera, Syswin Solutions, Hydrovolta, E. Sam Jones Lighting & Energy Solutions, The Chemistry Solutions Company trading as WaterLab on Main, ISCLEANAIR and Anywhere Healing.

Day 1: Pitch in Front of Investors 🎤

On September 24th, innovators gathered online for the "Pitch in Front of Investors" event. Each participating company delivered a concise 3-minute pitch, showcasing their ideas and solutions, followed by a 3-minute Q&A session with potential investors. The event fostered an engaging atmosphere, enabling entrepreneurs to refine their presentations and gain valuable feedback. They were reminded to ensure their technology was prepared to ensure smooth interactions, maximizing the opportunity to connect and collaborate.


Investors present at the event included: Ioana David from, Liviu Munteanu from Founders Bridge , Alin V. Stanciu from Catalyst Romania, Gábor Pénzes from Impact Ventures, Mircea Ghita from Metis Ventures, Masayuki Ohta from ff Venture Capital, Taylor Matherly from Spevde, Pawel Bochniarz from Radix Ventures, Siim Teller from Lemonade Stand , Valentin Filip from Fortech Investments, 💫 Ciprian Man from Growceanu, Maximilián Navračič from Zero One Hundred Conferences (Connecting LPs & GPs in PE & VC).



Day 2: Pitch in Front of Corporates 💼

On September 25th, innovators reconvened for the "Pitch in Front of Corporates" event, where they presented their solutions to corporate clients. As in the previous session, they delivered 3-minute pitches followed by 3-minute Q&A sessions. This event created a space for entrepreneurs to receive valuable feedback on their business models and refine their strategies for potential corporate collaborations. The importance of smooth technology operations was again emphasized to ensure seamless interaction between companies and corporate representatives.


Mentors from key corporate clients attended, including Madalina Vilau from Affidea , Andrei Nae from BCR , Andrei Voicu from BRD, Ionut Cristian CIUBOTARU and Gabriela Alexandrescu from OMV Petrom, Razvan Tudor from Electrica, Alex Duduman from Veranda Mall , Adela Tapurin from NEPI Rockcastle, Steliana Moraru from OTP Bank Romania , Ana Bobirca from Hidroelectrica , Corina Mîndoiu from EY , Daniel Mereuta from TDCX , Alexandra Dincovici from InnovX , Gabriela Moise from UPG, Mihaela Stancu from Procter & Gamble, Richard Peers from British Football School.


Day 3: Pitch Enter New Markets 🌍

The final day of the Matchmaking Phase, September 26th, focused on exploring new markets with the "Pitch Enter New Markets" event. Innovators gathered online for a session that featured insightful presentations from representatives of the Foreign Trade Department. Cristina Dragu 🇬🇧💰🚀 presented on the UK market, Alina Ftadiev discussed opportunities in Japan and Manuel-Iulian Cazac provided insights into the US market. Each representative gave a concise 5-minute overview of their respective markets.

Following these presentations, participating companies engaged in a fast-paced roundtable session where they each had one minute to present their unique solutions. This format encouraged dynamic interaction and allowed the companies to receive feedback in a lively, engaging setting. The event concluded with a Q&A session, providing further opportunities for discussion with the foreign market representatives, cementing this phase as an important step toward global expansion for the innovators.



A special thank you to Bianca Păcurar and Vlad Maftei, the dedicated InnovX team members who coordinated this phase with excellence. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting journey!

The Matchmaking Phase has proven to be a pivotal moment in the InnovX European Program, providing a bridge between innovators, investors, corporate clients, and new markets, fostering partnerships that have the potential to propel these companies to new heights. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting journey!

InnovX, has been voted as a leading startup hub in Europe by the Financial Times. This year, we achieved a significant milestone by becoming a regional partner for UNIDO, and last year, we were honored to become an official partner of the European Innovation Council. These accomplishments not only humble us, but also stand as a testament to our dedication to fostering innovation across Europe and its affiliated regions.